Little Villagers Winter Newsletter Well Christmas is fast approaching us already, Can you believe it!!! And what an exciting time it is for us all, especially the children, im sure Santa has been receiving his lists already. Little Villagers are also in for an exciting few weeks; we have booked the Panto at the Kings theatre in Edinburghon Friday the 7th of December to see Mother Goose, Oh yes we are................ There will be a online booking form coming out shortly and parents will be sent a group text asking them to complete the form if they wish their child/children to attend, this must be completed as your child/children won’t be given a space. Other exciting news is we have now spent the money issued to us from our Royal Bank of Scotlandaward, this money was spent on Media equipment, including video camera, Camera, tripods and animation software so the children can get creative and make their very own movies. We did try this out over the October Holiday club, and the children seemed to really enjoy it, we are hoping to upload some of their movies onto our website for you to see, again as it is pictures of the children, permission slips will be given out to the parents to sign before these videos are published, and again like the photographs we publish these will be password protected. As you are all aware we have had a few staff changes in Little Villagers, Mary will not be returning to Little Villagers, but we wish her well for the future. We have also welcomed Kayleigh on board; Kayleigh has worked with Springfield Afterschool club for the past 2 years, and has completed the relevant qualifications in Playwork. Kayleigh has settled in well and the children are enjoying spending time with her. We have recently held our AGM, and are looking for new committee members to join us, if you are interested and can spare a two of hours once a month please put your name forward to Nikki who will pass your details onto the committee. Our Chair person Aileen Connor has now stepped down after two years service with us, and we would like to say a big thankyou for the commitment and all she has done to help the club over the last two years. Now we welcome Drew McLellan into the role of chair, Drew has been on our management committee for the past two years, and has been vice chair for the past year. Graeme Spence has now taken over the role of Vice chair, we all welcome them both on board and im sure they will continue to help improve the club.